Monday, February 23, 2015

I Once Made a Bus Stop

A streetcar fan making a bus stop?  Quite improbable you say.  But true.
I made the bus stop at Orange Empire Railway Museum (out in the desert about 60 miles east of LA).  The museum is about 100 acres.  Often they run a bus among the car barns.  The bus stop I made is near the museum entrance.
Here is it just after I made it.

I renovated the bench, a real LA bus stop bench that had been in the outback of the museum for years.  I even planted some desert ground cover.
And here comes the bus.

And I even hung a bus stop sign (it's an artifact including the bracket).

While renovating the bench I found inside the back this sign of a real tire dealer still in existence in LA (third generation of the family).

One of the museum member makes commercial signs so I photographed the sign at high resolution and he made a new sign of modern materials and I added it to the bench.  The tire dealer donated $1000 to the museum.

Oh, the bus!  It may even be the same model I drove in Willmette, IL during my Northwestern University days.

These pictures were taken during the winter of 2011-2012.